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  • Writer's pictureAddison Cole


Hello everyone!!

I hope all of u guys had a great Labor Day weekend because I know I did!!

I watched the last season of vampire diaries with my stepsister because they where taking it off Netflix. She was sad about it.

My mum threw a party yesterday and some of my favorite family friends came over and we got bored so we took towels and went to the beach even though it was closed. There was a worker guarding the normal beach so we had to go to the sailing beach. There was some high schoolers there and then they left about a half an hour after we got there.

Then a guy in a golf cart came down to the sailing beach so we had to hide under one of the sailing boats. We almost got caught but we didn’t.

Today I took my dog back to my Dads house and then I went to the gym with my mum. Then mum dropped me off at my friend Christine’s house.

I taught her how to rollerblade and we where out rollerblading for a solid 2 1/2 hours and now my legs are sore. I saw a bunch of speed bumps and I was going over them with the blades on but my friend didn’t because she was afraid to fall.

We went back to her place and then we walked to the Walgreens by her house. We spent like a whole 45 minutes there and I didn’t get anything. Then her mum took us to Chick Fil A but they where closed so we went to Culver’s. Then we went back and ate then my mum picked me up.

I got home and I put my stuff away and out my stuff on the charger and packed for tomorrow. I showered and put out clothes for tomorrow.

Now I’m going to bed and hopefully if you are reading this at the time I am writing this you are too.

-comment what you did this weekend! 🥳


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