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  • Writer's pictureAddison Cole

Week overview+weekend plans

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a great week.

On Tuesday I had horseback riding and we where riding outside. I was riding Scarlet.

I tacked up (put the gear on her) and took her out to the mounting block (the mini stairs you use to get on your horse). I lined her up next to the block and was about to get on and then she started going farward. I had to then re-circle around the block and try agin and she kept doing the same thing! I had no idea how to stop her from doing that because that has never happened to me.

So eventually I had my mom hold the reins while I try to get on. Scarlet did the same thing to my mum! Eventually I got on, but then Scarlet started walking and then she backed into a fence!

The other instructors where looking at me like I was phyco. Anyways I hope that doesn't happen again. My instructor said in all her years of teaching she has never seen the things horses do when I am the rider.

On Wednesday of this week I had horseback Riding agin and I almost ran over my instructor I couldn't control myself I just had to laugh and she got kinda mad but its ok hopefully I don't almost run her over next time!

Thursday in reading class we had to read and annotate an article and no-one likes to do that. Sorry Mrs. Einum if you are reading this :)

I dont think I have ever posted my schedule! I will do that below.





P2 P.E. MR. ANDREWS 9:22-10:02

P3 MATH MS. LEACH 10:06-10:46

P4 HISTORY MR. RENNELS 10:50-11:30


P6 SCIENCE DR. MONTOYA 12:18-12:58


P8 A.S. (STUDY HALL) MS. S + MS. BRUNER 1:46-2:26

P9 READING MS. EINUM 2:30-3:10

So anyways thats my schedule. Funny thing though, I have noticed that since last year the bell for the last period of the day rings at 3:09 instead of 3:10. So instead of having 40 minutes in the last class we have 39.

After school today my step mum Ania picked me up and we went to Bloomingdale's because the whole store is on sale. I saw some really pretty dresses but they where all way to big. Then when we got in the car to go home she thought she forgot her sunglasses in the store so she went back in and searched the ENTIRE STORE for her glasses. She didn't find them and so she though she had her lost them. We get home and she cant find her keys to get in the house. She emptied her whole bag and found the keys and the glasses.

Now we are at one and I am watching the news and Ania came to my rooom and she is sitting with me and writing her clients back for work and the dog came and sat with us.

I'm going to go online shopping now for some art supplies. I need a 2b pencil, 6b pencil, blending tool and sketch paper. I think I'm gonna try Amazon, Target and Blick. I will see what's cheapest.

Tomorrow I have plans to go to my friend Christines house at around 2pm. We are going to help out at the Wilmette block party.

Now I'm just gonna go watch a show and chill.

That's all for now! Feel free to comment your weekend plans!


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