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  • Writer's pictureAddison Cole

Sunday Summary!

Hello everyone!! This week went by fast. Wednesday was Yom Kippur and I went to services at 11. The rest of the week was pretty boring. Wake up, eat, go to school, go home, do homework/after school activities and then repeat!

Saturday I didn't nothing fun I just sat at home. I played the new season of Fortnite and it was pretty cool.

It's Sunday and I'm just chillin, I'm in the car on the way to the mall.

I ordered some thing I found online. It looks like a q-tip but the stick part has lip stuff in it and you crack the tip of it like a glow stick. The stuff flows out into the cotton tip and you can use it like a lipstick/gloss. I thought that was cool. Amazon says it will come on Wednesday.

I don't like Sundays that much because then you realize the next morning you have to go back to the same old boring routine.

Something I am looking forward to is going horseback riding this week on Tuesdays and Thursdays!!

Anyways that's all for today.

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